In the hustle and bustle of life it is fun for me to take a moment, get my camera and try to capture some of the amazing beauty around us. These beautiful Spring days give us many opportunities to enjoy so much that Mother Nature has given us.
Springtime gives us an opportunity to have colorful flowers blooming in our garden areas. In the below photo we see Knockout Roses in the foreground, Petunias in the planters and the climbing rose Cecil Brunner in the background.
Many years ago, we found the patio furniture seen in the below photo up in Moultrie, Georgia at the Moultrie Manufacturing Company. It is called Old South outdoor furniture. This furniture is at least 25 years old, so I was curious to see if the company was still in business. Sure enough, after checking with Mr. Google, we see they are still very much in business. They have many more beautiful items other than outdoor furniture. If you are curious about the company you can click on the site below.
Petunias are so colorfully bright and beautiful.
I thought these little Knockout Rose buds were so pretty.
We see the Katrina Rose almost in full bloom in the below photo. This is such a delightful climbing rose and is so very easy to grow without much care. Just a little rose fertilizer and water, and that is all that is necessary.
Close up view of the Katrina Rose blossoms.
On the back porch we happened to notice a good bit of pine straw droppings on the porch floor. We looked up and noticed that some hard working little mother bird had made this perfectly beautiful nest. She chose this lovely location for her little baby bird family.
Can you imagine one little bird bringing pine straw, one little piece at a time, and creating this beautiful little home for her family. I find that to be totally amazing! ... And, no one taught her how to do that.
In the below photo we see this lovely Gertrude Jekyll Rose, which is a David Austin English Rose. And, this rose has the most heavenly Old Rose fragrance.
The Snowballs were pretty this year.
Couldn't resist snapping a photo of this pretty rose bud.
Another English Rose growing in the garden, but I don't know the name of this one.
And, I have shared this backyard Katrina Rose seen in the bottom photo before. But, could not resist snapping another photo of this pretty little rose which seems to be in full bloom.
A close-up photo of the Katrina Rose.
Another front yard rose, but do not know the name of this one.
I just had to snap this photo shortly after a rain shower.
I just had to snap this photo shortly after a rain shower.
Another climbing rose out on the front fence. Do not know the name of this Old Rose.
They call this flower in the below photo a rose, but it does not have the traditional rose look.
A pretty rose bud collection.
This pretty little vine growing on a rock in the back yard garden caught my eye.
One of my favorite roses is this lovely French rose called "Eden" which is seen in the below photo.
This rose is considered a climber, but it does not climb very far.
Isn't that a pretty rose?
Some roses in the side yard.
The green of Springtime.

It is fun sitting looking out the kitchen window on a pretty Spring day.
Yes, it has been a beautiful Spring here in the South. As you can see I cannot resist trying to capture some of that Springtime beauty with my camera.
Thank you for stopping by for a visit and walking around in the garden with me.
I hope you are having a wonderful weekend and enjoying a beautiful Springtime too wherever you may be.
Thank you for stopping by for a visit and walking around in the garden with me.
I hope you are having a wonderful weekend and enjoying a beautiful Springtime too wherever you may be.