Hi Everyone! Here we are into the second day of May already. This is one of my favorite times of Springtime, especially when the Gardenias are blooming. Each time I walk out into the yard, if the breeze is drifting my way, I get a whiff of the wonderfully sweet aroma from the Gardenias blooming over in the side yard ... It is truly heavenly!
Just as the sun was going down this evening I headed outside to cut some of these beautiful flowers in hopes of making an arrangement for the kitchen table. I remembered this old-pedestal-vase I found in an old Antique shop here in Tallahassee and thought it would be nice for the Gardenia arrangement.
I love the simplicity of this beautiful flower surrounded by the intensely green leaves.
And also at this time of year the sweetly scented Confederate Jasmine is also blooming. This arbor was built down close to the little guest house down the hill a couple of years ago. It has not taken long for this beautiful vine to cover almost the entire arbor.
With Spring arriving I went looking for a fresh wreath for the front door. Our local JoAnn's Fabric Shop had a nice simple selection of Springtime wreaths. I just had to take one home with me.
I added this small addition of little purple Pansies plus a green bow for a little extra color.
Our daughter Stephanie was planning a "Thank You" end of the school year dinner for some of the Children's Miracle Network FSU Dance Marathon students who had worked so hard raising over 1.8 million dollars to help the Children at Shand's Teaching Hospital in Gainesville, FL and also for the Medical School here in Tallahassee.
We were glad to help her host all the amazing students most of whom will be graduating this year. They are a wonderful group of young students and make me realize we are all in good hands with this next generation.
Tables were set up for the dinner which was going to be catered by our local Coosh's Cajun Restaurant.
And this was the appetizer table set up on the back porch. Included was Spinach/Artichoke
Dip, Pimiento Cheese Dip and a Seafood Dip all with Whole Grain Crackers and fruit.
The beverage table was set up across the patio.
That is our daughter Stephanie in the middle in black. She had the great pleasure of being director for the students and for this event. A special bond was formed with all of these wonderful young students. As they all go their separate ways on to different careers in life, I feel certain they will always stay in touch.
In the below photo we see our grandson John Scott who is in his second college year at Troy University over in Troy, Alabama. He is enjoying his college life and has gotten involved in many activities at the University. I loved this photo he shared with us from a recent end of the year Phi Mu Formal he recently attended with his lovely date. He will be coming back home in just one week ... Can't wait!
I thought Will, and Julia his date for the Prom, looked like a real Prince and Princess.
Back in early March both my husband and I enrolled in the DNA Ancestry.com. In about 6 weeks we received the results. The below photo is a little blurry, but we can see some of the results. It was very interesting to get the results. I thought I was more English than Irish, but it turns out I am only 5% English. And, a good bit Europe West.
The results also show the migration patterns of our early ancestors. My sister for many years has been working on our genealogy records, so it was not too surprising to see what she had already discovered from the family records. Looks like there are a lot of Southerners in our group.
This DNA test was fun to do, but I would love to have more detailed information.

Thanks for stopping by for a visit and walking with us for some of the fun end-of-the-year events here for the months of April and May. I hope you are doing well and enjoying a lovely Springtime wherever you may be.